Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why are Twilight and Harry Potter compared?

Because of immense buzz for this first film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series of novels, some have compared this tween and teen phenom to Harry Potter. Like the last two Potter movies, this vampire romance film made Fandango.com's top ten list of all-time advance ticket sales—thanks to a rabid fan base whose hearts were set on swoon ever since they first saw images of the vampire and werewolf dreamboats they've fallen for in the books.

Well, I think most Twilight fans will eat this up like vampires at a blood bank. The movie, directed by Catherine Hardwicke (The Nativity Story, Thirteen), is very true to the book in telling Meyer's soap opera of forbidden love and angst with passion. I saw the film at a public screening with many young girls sporting Twilight shirts and even vampire regalia. I overheard them saying things like, "That was amazing," "I wish it would have gone on forever," and "It was everything I hoped for."

But on the flip side, the adults nearby were saying things like "That was horrible" and "I thought it wouldn't end." I'm somewhere in the middle. While I think the adaptation has some great touches, I don't think the film does much for the uninitiated or adults. Boys will really only like the big fight at the end—if they're still awake.

In the book, this is an interesting look at dealing with temptation and boundaries, but the movie's love story is pretty much all about sexual attraction. I'm also not sure why the movie's Bella is fascinated by Edward. He's hot, he's a bad boy, and he wants her. Well, he wants her for dinner. But for this lonely girl, being wanted at all is enough. And of course that idea of being wanted, being known, and being passionately loved has really tapped into the desires of the books' teen audience—and the movie does that too. After all, the film seems tailor-made to showcase how good-looking and tempting Edward is. His over-the-top, slow-motion, and dramatic entrance could be accompanied with subtitles reading, "Swoon now

While I think most fans will be happy with the film, I think the movie proves that books can sometimes get away with sappiness and clichés that movies don't; onscreen, they are pretty groan-worthy. Also, while the book captures girls' hearts, the movie's love story without Meyer's description is kinda mundane. Another issue with the change in medium is that a movie doesn't let one's imagination work as a book does.Meyer's fantastical narratives are very detailed and create great mental pictures.On screen, they sometimes can't compete with what's in your head.In one popular portion of the book, for example, Edward dramatically shows why vampires don't go in the sunlight.On the printed page, the description is thrilling. In the movie, flawed special effects make it look like he's just really sweaty.

Almost all the special effects (save for that great ending fight) are almost laughable—like the vampires' super speed, which looks more like what I call "Muppet Running." You know how when Kermit would walk, you could tell he was hung by wires and his legs didn't really hit the ground with each step? That's what happens here, defying the laws of physics. In addition, the make-up of the pale Cullen family can seem very caked on and fakey at times. Plus, the vampires are asked to say silly things like, "Hold on tight, spider monkey!"

But as good as Stewart is, I think Pattinson (who was solid as Cedric in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) as Edward was a casting mistake. Or maybe it was how he was directed. He's wooden and emotes with unchanging facial expression of brooding eyebrows, deep breathing, and body language that communicates that he really has to go to the bathroom. These scenes lead to unintentional laughter in even the most serious moments.

What Pattinson does do well, though, are the tender, loving moments with Stewart. This is maybe what the movie does best: quiet moments of intimacy—not sex, but more innocent intimacy like when the infatuated Bella and Edward lie in the grass with their hands barely touching, or when they share their first kiss. These are electric moments, but the rest of the film pales in comparison.

Honestly, they are completely different. I'm a huge fan of both, though I'm more a Harry Potter fan. I think Harry Potter is bigger, anyway. Ask nearly anyone in the world who Harry Potter is and they'll know, but not the same for Twilight. I'm not trying to compare them here, but Potter is more complex and they're is really no getting around that. Though they are both Fantasy sort of, but Harry Potter is more fantasy and Twilight is romance. Harry Potter is more for all ages and genders, Twilight is forcused towards teenage girls. Can you truely and fairly compare them at all?


  1. Twilight and Harry Potter will never be comparable pieces of literature. People compare them simply because both series are popular with teenagers (mostly girls in Twilight's case) during this time period. The writing style is in no way similar. JK Rowling creates characters using complex plot twists and dynamic dialog while Stephanie Meyer prefers to describe the character's physical appearance as well as their ever desire. The plots (or lack thereof for Twilight) may both be magical and centered around teenagers, but that's the extent of their similarities. The most noticeable difference in the books however, is their fandoms. "Twilighters" as they call themselves, prefer to fawn over characters in the books and declare their alliance with one of two hot guys.Though Harry Potter is finished, the fandom shows no signs of diminishing. Harry Potter fans today are involved in websites, fan fiction, podcasts, and many HP conventions per year. When Twilight fans start hosting conventions and sell more than 300 million copies of their books, then we'll start talking about similarities. Until then, they shouldn't be compared.

  2. i think harry potter is better..

  3. I have also read both a few Harry Potter books and the whole Twilight Saga. I have to disagree with you that Harry Potter is better (I, myself am a huge Twilight fan), but both are good books.
    Anyways (srry for getting off topic) i think Twilight and Harry Potter are compared not because they are similar (because, like you said,they aren't) , but because both had such a huge response. If you ask most people if they know what either Harry Potter or Twilight is, they will most likey say that they do know. Also, HP and Twilight have both had many weeks as the NYTimes best seller. These books are some of the most popular books in the whole couty, so they are often compared.

  4. You are absolutely right. I definitely think HP is way better. Why? Because Harry Potter books, they have the complex understandable way of a true life, everything fits together. Things you read in the 1st book connect all the way to the 7th. No part of the series was pointless because they all connected together to make the ending possible. If you think about it, writing something like HP is almost impossible. But to have it done? It's like a miricle.
    But twilight... thats different. You can see why people like it--yes, mostly teenage girls, because it speaks of love and thats what conquers everything. But we WILL grow out of it, and I notice that its easier to reread HP over and over then to reread the twilight series.
    I dont really know how to answer that question, but I can honestly say, that i agree with you. I dont know how they are both compared. I think mainly because, those 2 are the most popular series at the moment, and we're trying to figure out which one is better. But for me? I'd say that HP wins. Hands down.

  5. twilight is more fun to watch than harry potter!it's "corny"so go go twilighters!!

  6. hmmm,,twilight i think

  7. i love Harry Potter!

  8. The way I see it: HP is an action story w/ some romance and Twilight is a romance with some action.

    They are pretty much opposites, but for some reason a lot of people (such as me) like both.

    The thing that bothers me the most is articles & videos that begin with: "Twilight, the next Harry Potter?" or "Stephenie Meyer, the next JK Rowling?"

    It irks me that simply because Twilight and HP are both popular the media has to constantly compare the

  9. he only answer I can come up with is that they are both written by women and they both deal with magical creatures.

    And, no they can't be compared because HP is marketed towards every body from 7 years old to 50. Twilight is marketed to 13-20. in sad cases 30 and 40.

    However, Harry is a good role model and Bella is weak.

    So i don't know why they're compared. Harry Potter teaches people to stand up and fight oppressors while Twilight teaches girls that it's okay to be controlled and weak as long as you have your man.

    And readers should note that when Harry mopes around and has violent outbursts its because he went through serious tragedies (Cedric, Sirius, Dumbledore dying). Bella mopes because it's raining or because her 17 year old "super hot" bf left her.

  10. I just don't think they can compare. I mean honestly, the amount of foreshadowing and the shear depth of the plots that run throughout all the Potter books will always one up ( or two or three) the twilight series. Sure its got an "attractive" vampire spokes-boy but the plot is basically flat line compared with Harry Potter. Twilight pales in comparison ( no pun intended)

    And yet I know I'll read the next Twilight when it comes out.

    Maybe the world is just hard pressed for reading material.

    Or maybe there's something to this vampire business after all....

  11. I think they're compared because Harry Potter ended and Twilight was like the backup so people could rely on another satisfying series. I've only read the first Harry Potter book and Ioooooove the Twilight Saga and I am a Twilight fan. I don't actually think they can be compared fairly. They're two completely different stories. I just think that since Harry Potter ended people needed an new series to read but I still love Twilight so much more than Harry Potter.

  12. Harry potter is one of the best series of books ever created. Jk Rowling is a genius and has a 100000000000000 more brains then Stephenie Meyer. Twilight has brainwashed thousands of girls thinking that there are hott vampires out there when that is completely not true. Harry Potter is for all ages and is loved 1000000000000000000000 times more. The story line and plot for harry potter is more complex and has great twists when all you think in Twilight is is that dumb bella gonna be a vampire or not? edward make up your mind for the sake of billions of dumb fan girls!!

    ~ iWeasley~

  13. twilight isn't just some romance novel. it is ALSO a smart, science-y, action book. it makes you cry, laugh, become incredibly happy, become incredibly sad, keeps you thinking, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. harry potter absolutely can NOT be compared to twilight. they are completely different. and no, twilight isn't focused towards teenage girls... teenage girls just seem to be the stereotypical type of person that reads twilight. i know tons of twiguys. you people don't understand twilight, obviously. i know everyone has their own opinion, but you people cant be serious, in my opinion. harry potter is better than twilight, you say? there's no comparison there! twilight is a combination of many genres of books. did harry potter make you cry? did harry potter take your breath away? did harry potter make you think and long for a new book? did harry potter make you laugh? make you smile? keep you on the edge of your seat? make you cry when its over? no i don't think so. i respect your opinions, but i strongly STRONGLY disagree. you can email me at holyshaboozles@aim.com; i don't really use yahoo that much. i'd love to argue with you about these books :) :) :)

  14. you can't compare them. Harry Potter has deep characters, a complex plot, and meaning. Twilight has, well, Edward. No plot, unbelievable characters, and way too much fluff. Everyone compares the two and I find it completely ridiculous. Harry Potter is and will always be number one, no matter how "hot" Edward is.

  15. There's always something strange about comparing two books from different genres, with different audiences. It's just that Harry Potter was and is in possession of a huge fandom, and since Twilight has rapidly grown one of it's own, people are going to fight about the two.

    Personally, Harry Potter has the amount of plot and character development I prefer.

  16. I agree, there's way too much difference to accurately compare them. My theory though, is that it's because they're both major fantasy novels, even though like you said, Twilight is more of a romance. I never really liked Harry Potter, however I do like Twilight. But I agree with you, there's too much of a difference to truely compare them.

  17. obviously harry potter must be bigger and better becuase i dont have any idea what twilight is and from what i have heard about it it sounds super dumb and nothing like harry potter in the least. i hate dumb teenage girl romance books, who cares if there is a good looking guy..its just a model for the cover of the book i am assuming so its not really even the guy the author had in mind most likely..unlike harry potter where the cover is drawn.

  18. Because they are both series that are popular among teens.
    And since everyone else is putting there two cents in, I guess i should put mine in.

    Twilight will never live up to Harry Potter. Yes it is an enjoyable book series but just does not compare. The plot of Harry Potter is much thicker in my opinion, and has much more complex characters. There were at some points in the Twilight series where i was bored. The times where I was thinking "Please... either hanky panky or go kill something."

    and besides...
    the twilight fan girls are starting to get annoying.

  19. Because they're both amazing and the most popular books nowadays. Robert Pattinson plays Cedric Diggory and Edward. There are werewolves and vampires in both. Sirius Black and Jacob Black can both turn into big dogs. There are a lot of same concepts, but I think people see those very succesful books, and tend to compare to know which is better. I- like you- love both, but Harry Potter will be remembered longer.

  20. Yes they can be compared

    But people forget that it was J.K Rowling who got kids interested in reading first. So the books may be compared because we are human and that's what we do but J.K was first and its obvious that her fanbase is more wide ranged because very little kids won't have Twilight read to them as a bedtime story. Nothing will live up to what J.K did because she did it first no matter how popular any book gets alot of people are reading books like Twilight because of her.She sparked interest.

    People grow up with Harry Potter
    People reflect on their current age with Twilight
    That makes a big difference

  21. Because all the kids that read Harry potter when they were little are now reading Twilight.

    And people are saying that Stephenie Meyer is like the American jk Rowling because she's a mom and writes at home. which I think is stupid.

    Twilight is popular but it will never be as popular as Harry potter.

    Harry potter has way more character development than Twilight and Harry potter appeals to almost all ages.

  22. I totally agree with u.
    They are totally different but let's not kid ourselves, Harry is obviously the better series. Better everything. More popular. and read by everyone! not just teenage girls. twilight having a better plot? please! no wonder harrys the #1 bestselling series.

  23. They aren't even the same type of book really,other then being about mythical worlds. And they are both in the young adult area thats it. I think reviewers and such just can't come up with a good way to discribe things and rather then work a little harder they just take an easy answer.

  24. Your are right saying that you can't compare them. They are two completely different genres, with different types of characters and focused around different themes. The reason they are compared so much is simply because they are both extremely well written and popular books.

  25. I agree. They are nothing alike and should not be compared as they are.

    Twilight is very popular right now, so people just try to compare it to the most well-known book for younger readers. Not because they're alike, but because they're both not for adults.

  26. They're getting compared because they're both so popular. I agree, they really shouldn't be compared.

  27. Because they both have fantasy elements and they've both had this explosion of popularity even among people who don't usually read. (Not saying all people who read them never read anything else, but that's what has made their popularity so interesting to the media.)

  28. I don't think that the books themselves can be compared, you are right, they are both very different. They may be compared mostly because Stephenie Meyer has been called the "New" J.K Rowling.

  29. harry potter is forever.
    twilight is a fad and will wear out eventually expecially if people keep on talking about it like this.
    they are wearing it out like a good t- shirt.

  30. I dont know but i like both Twilight and Harry Potter... But i like the Twilight books better, cause vampires and edward are more interesting too mee...:)

  31. No. Comparing J.K. Rowling's writing with Stephenie Meyer's is pretty funny, actually.

  32. omg I agree I have no idea why they are compared either! harry potter has a hugely difference in writing styles and twilight does too. i personally think that are great books and have no alike matter!

  33. of course. simply because they both have spiraled into phenomenons with huge fan bases :)

    secretly tho, im a super huge harry fan.
    edward cullen just isnt as appealing as harry lol

  34. no i really don't think you can compare them at all. both are amazing in their own ways. =]

  35. No, I agree with you! Harry Potter is with us forever, in due time, Twilight will be forgotten.

  36. because they are both good books and some ppl just want to know which one better like in my opinion twilight is

  37. They are compared because although they are different in some ways they are very similar. And they are both Fantasy books!! And although there are some die hard twilight fans and die hard Harry Potter fans that swear allegiance to one of the books the truth is they mostly share the same fan base!! The people that love Twilight love Harry Potter!! Usually they will like one more than the other (like I like Twilight better) But I still really like Harry Potter!!!

    I think everybody knows Harry Potter more because it has been around for longer not necessarily because it is better. As soon as the twilight movie comes out I'm sure it will be the same as Harry Potter everyone will know what it is!!! Also after the movie comes out it will draw more attention to it and spread the word that the books are amazing and will probably become more popular than Harry Potter. Even though it's not as widely known Eclipse (the third book in the Twilight Saga) has just bumped Harry Potter as the longest book that has been on the number one selling list.

    Although twilight has a higher fan base that are teen aged girls as it becomes more widely known it is appealing to a larger age group (like me I'm 21) and to males (like my brother who is 17)

    Edit: If Harry Potter was sexy like Edward Cullen you'd have a bunch of girls drooling over him too but he's not!!

  38. I cannot understand that either. Well, probably because of the action involved and mythology. But that's as far as it gets.
    It's ridiculous people are comparing them. Harry Potter will definitely still be big and popular through the ages, but the Twilight fad will last several months, I bet.

    Harry Potter is much more suspenseful, adventurous, and realistic than Twilight is.

    Twilight was just a typical romance book. Also, it's not that professionally written and obvious! Also, whatever Bella wants usually goes, like having Edward as her boyfriend. If I saw such an attractive boy like Edward and had a crush, it's more realistic I wouldn't get him immediately like she did. I haven't read the most recent book, but I bet you she will stay with him and be a vampiress.

    Twilight really did seem directed towards teenage girls, since, hey, who doesn't want a perfect and annoyingly handsome boyfriend? I can relate to Harry Potter in real life, though, not necessarily the spells and classes hah, but the friendships, relationships, school work and the list goes on.

    They are completely different, and although both books are based on fantasy, in Harry Potter, you can FEEL how they feel, their emotions are real. One more thing, Harry Potter is tons more suspenseful with plot twists, all the time! Something always comes up, and has been suspenseful since the start. In Twilight&New Moon, nothing was ever really suspenseful, perhaps when the Volturi come in. Once again, it's much more obvious as well.
    They can't be compared, but they can be contrasted.

  39. I feel that while Harry Potter is read and enjoyed by all ages, and Twilight is geared only toward teenage girls. Having said that, I am a teenage girl and I am not too impressed with the Twilight series. The writing in Harry Potter can be light and humorous or heavy and sad, while Stephanie Meyer's writing is consistently bland. Each character in Harry Potter is likable on some level, even the Dursleys, but the Twilight characters are all flat and even obnoxious. Edward is constantly condescending to Bella, and Bella doesn't stop complaining about situations that she got herself into. I feel like in Twilight there is virtually no storyline until the last chapters. It's a basically boring book, and New Moon is absolutely horrendous! I just want to put it out there that I initially read Twilight expecting to become obsessed, I wasn't predisposed to hate it.

  40. t's hard to compare because although they have similar themes, they are of different genres..The Twilight series is pretty good. Something about the writing style is....captivating...I liked the Harry Potter series, except for the last book. It had WAY too much information, and everything seemed like the author was trying to finish it really quickly. And the ending was a bit too.....happy-go-lucky for me...

    For the movies....I have yet to see how good the Twilight movie is, but I was disgusted by the Harry Potter movies. It was basically all about flashy spells and lights to get the audiences' attention, and they cut out all the good parts of the story.

    Overall, I'd have to say Harry Potter though. There's a whole lot more creativity in it.

  41. Harry Potter. Easily.

    Harry Potter is WAY more creative. Wizards, dementors, Quidditch, Blast-ended Skrewts, Horcruxes, Basilisks, ghosts, etc.
    Twilight has vampires, werewolves...and thats it. Both of which also exist in the HP universe.
    HP is also infinitely more realistic. As much as the teenage female population would like it, nobody as annoyingly perfect as Edward exists. HP characters have more dimension, they've all got faults, and they act for reasons other than simply 'I love you so much, you're my life', etc.
    TWT was painfully predictable at times, unlike HP which has many twists and turns and a much more complex plot.
    And what moral significance is there in TWT? I've tried, but I can't find any sort of lesson from it. Everything just works out wonderfully on its own and they live happily together forever.

    This doesn't mean I don't like Twilight, because it's fun to read, but that's about it. It's essentially romance with a bit of underlying plot. Harry Potter is plot with a bit of underlying romance.

    I'm a girl, btw.

  42. For me, I think Twilight is obviously more girly and mushy so if you want a good love story, there you go. But Harry Potter has more to offer than just a love story it is adventurous and creative. The characters are more thought out, there is so much that goes on in all 7 books. A love story can only go so far before it drags on. I love Twilight and it is addicting but I think Harry Potter is a much better series to all audiences. Twilight mostly appeals to girls.

  43. -Girl-
    I really love Harry Potter but ever sinse i got into Twilight i cant tear myself away from it. Its extremely addicting. Sorry Harry Potter but Im a Jacob Black fan =]

    I think it has something to do with the fact that Twilights a love story thats all twisted and messed up but at the same time adventurous

  44. -Girl-
    I really love Harry Potter but ever sinse i got into Twilight i cant tear myself away from it. Its extremely addicting. Sorry Harry Potter but Im a Jacob Black fan =]

    I think it has something to do with the fact that Twilights a love story thats all twisted and messed up but at the same time adventurous

  45. girl, and i love harry potter. twilight is just a trend, so get over it! harry potter has a much more interesting plot.

    i know how twilight is so mushy, and that's what i hate about it! i find it annoyingly girly

  46. Harry Potter is a lot better for me...Twilight is a good book...but, well...it's not the best. There, I said it! Harry Potter just rocks and it's awesome for me!!!!!

    GO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  47. i'm a female, and i like them both a lot, but if i had to choose, i would choose harry potter. i read the first 6 books in about 3 weeks.

  48. The actor who plays Edward in Twilight is also in Harry Potter and plays as Cedric Diggory.

  49. I am a girl and I love the Harry Potter books. I have not read the Twilight series yet but I am looking forward to reading them and seeing the movie.

  50. girl- harry potter!!!! well i cant really answer fairly since i havent read twilight, but from what ive heard, its basically a romance, and idk....i just love harry potter always have

  51. That is a touch question. But since I am on the 4th book in the Twilight series and can't wait to get home and keep reading I will say Twilight.

  52. I like Harry Potter, waaay better and I'm a girl.

    Twilight has no character depth.

  53. 'm a girl, and Harry Potter wins for me, hands down.
    Twilight disgusted me, I had to stop reading.

  54. I am a girl and I love the Harry Potter books, I have read all 7 six times :)

  55. Twilight!!!! I'm a girl and have read all the Harry Potters but I didn't enjoy them as near as much as the twilights!!! =D

  56. Girl- And i think Harry Potter is so much better!

    Rock on wizards! \m/

  57. I am a girl! :)
    I like Twilight better! :)

  58. Twilight (:
    I've read all of the Harry Potter books & I'm halfway through new moon.

  59. i mOre Like TWILIGHt..actuaLLy tHey arE nOt tHe same Like tHe othEr one said that tHey are onLy same becaUse thE bOoks aRe same tO be bEstseLLer in tHe cOuntry..maybE they arE cOmpared becaUse oF tHey are bOth fantasy...bUt fOr me i Like mOre twiLight becaUse tHe stOry is mOre intEresting and EdwarD was hanDsome..im addiCted tO him!!..hehehe..

  60. i think harry potter is better
